Arizona State has one of most expensive stadiums in college football

Homefield advantage is a little different for the Sun Devils
BYU v Arizona State
BYU v Arizona State | Christian Petersen/GettyImages

Modern day college athletics is all about the money you can invest in your program, whether it be NIL money or facilities. Arizona State may not be flush with cash for the former, but the latter is apparently going really well.

The dollar amounts in this list are adjusted for inflation and are using total construction costs, which presumably includes any renovation costs. That makes sense, given that Mountain America Stadium (formerly Sun Devil Stadium, as it's referred to in this graphic) underwent a five year renovation that was completed back in 2019.

With a total price tag of $380 million, Mountain America Stadium clocks in at sixth in the nation in total cost. No other Big 12 program is ahead of them, while Washington and Cal make up the only nearby programs with more expensive stadiums.

Originally opened in 1958, Mountain America Stadium has been the home of the Sun Devils for its entirety, as well as housing the NFL's Cardinals for the first 18 years after the franchise moved to Arizona. It has also played host to the Fiesta Bowl (until 2006) and the Cactus Bowl (until 2015) and, perhaps most famously, hosted Pope John Paul II back in 1987.

All the money that Arizona State has sunk into their stadium seems to have paid off, too, as the Sun Devils went undefeated in Mountain America Stadium in 2024. That included wins over two ranked teams in No. 16 Utah and No. 14 BYU, the second of which resulted in not one but two field stormings.

