Ranked by JCGridiron.com as the nation’s No. 6 junior college tight end prior to national letter of intent day, Nelson has played numerous positions during his football career. During the 2011 season, Nelson had 408 yards receiving with five touchdowns. He rushed for 557 yards on 107 carries and scored eight touchdowns last year, as well as two receiving touchdowns.
Nelson is looking forward to working in ASU’s hybrid 3-back role, but recognizes the challenges posed by the position.
Speaking with Brad Denny of azfamily.com, Nelson said, “To me, it’s one of the hardest positions to learn other than being a quarterback. You have to learn more than any other skill position on the field. You have to learn the tight end standpoint, the running back standpoint, to the receiver’s standpoint. You have to learn the run blocking game. It’s a great position. I’m glad that I picked this position up.”
ASU Head Coach Todd Graham has high expectations for Nelson in the upcoming season, noting the progress he’s made during fall practice and at Camp Tontozona. “De’Marieya is tailor made for our three back position,” Graham told Denny. “This guy can play running back. He also can play a tight end, and he can also play an inside receiver. He is one of the best chasing tight ends in the country and a guy that is going to be very impactful with what we are doing.”